25 Days Birding and Gorilla Safari

Prepare Your Tailored Safaris & Tours


We will begin our quest for the Shoebill at the Mabamba marsh on the outskirts of Lake Victoria. Murchison Falls National Park is our first birding national park, with over 450 bird and 76 animal species. Budongo Forest protects East Africa’s biggest natural forest region, home to over 350 bird species and various primates including Chimpanzees. Semuliki National Park preserves an eastern extension of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s huge Ituri Forest; it is one of Africa’s richest locations for forest birds.

Our Uganda birding trip will continue to Kibale National Park, a big block of rain forest with over 300 bird species and the possibility of following Chimpanzees. Then we go to Queen Elizabeth National Park, which is noted for its diverse biodiversity and over 600 bird species. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest has recorded 23 of Uganda’s 24 Albertine Rift endemics, while Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda’s smallest national park, contains over 180 bird species, including Albertine Rift endemics. Finally, we will visit Lake Mburo National Park to see more critical species and enjoy some fantastic nature treks.

Safari highlights

  • Birding
  • Gorilla trekking
  • Chimpanzee trekking


Day 1: Arrive in Uganda for the Ultimate Uganda Birding Safari

When you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, you will be met by an African Buffalo Safaris representative who will take you to your accommodation in Entebbe to begin your Uganda birding trip. If you have an early flight, you may be able to bird the Botanical Gardens depending on your arrival time. Otherwise, you head into your hotel and plan to begin your Uganda birding adventure the next day.

Day 2: Birding in Mabamba Wetland Swamp

After an early breakfast, we go to Mabamba Swamp Wetland in Kasanje, which is located on the outskirts of Lake Victoria, the world’s second largest fresh water basin. The journey might take an hour or longer depending on the number of stopovers and birding opportunities along the way.

In Mabamba swamp, you will board a motorized canoe with a local site guide in search of the magnificent Shoebill, which is frequently spotted standing in the mashes waiting to hunt or hovering above the papyrus plants. Other water birds include the African Jacana, White-winged Terns, African Purple Swamphen, Purple Heron, Blue-breasted Bee-eater, Pied Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher, Winding Cisticola, Red-billed Fire-finch, White-faced whistling duck, Long-toed Lapwing, African Pied Wagtail, Saddle-billed Stork, Cape wagtail, Fan-tailed Widowbird,

Day 3: Birding to Budongo forest Via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Your bird guide will pick you up from your hotel after an early breakfast, and you will begin your birding excursion with stops in notable places along the route. Our first big visit will be in the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Uganda, which is a great birding region and home to Rhinos. The Rhino walk will begin after a briefing from the ranger guide. Depending on where the Rhinos are at the time, this may need a brief drive prior to the trip. The Rhino excursion can take up to an hour in total, including the walk and sightings while they slumber or feed.

We expect to encounter several birds while tracking rhinos; keep an eye out for the white-crested Turaco, which is common area. Following the Rhino trekking adventure, we will go for lunch before returning to our accommodation for the night.

Day 4: Birding the Royal Mile in Budongo forest

We resume our birding tour in the lush Budongo woodland today. A portion of the forest is located within Murchison Falls National Park near Kaniyo Pabidi, while the remainder is located outside of the park as a forest reserve known as Budongo woodland. This forest is home to a variety of primates, including Chimpanzees, as well as a variety of tree types. The various bird species we shall seek for on our safari are of particular interest to us.

After an early breakfast and a packed lunch, we will go for the royal mile, a one-mile area of land where the King of Bunyoro spent spending time. Depending on the activity of the bird species, we will spend the entire day birding along the forest road and concluding at the woodland Bridge. You will seek for unique bird species such as Ituri Batis, Nahan’s francolin, Chocolate-backed Kingfisher, Brown twin spot, White spotted fluff tail, Jameson’s wattle eye, white breasted negro sparrow, Grey headed sunbird, Red headed bluebill, Green sunbird, Little green sunbird, and the list goes on.

Day 5: Birding Tour to Murchison Falls National Park

After a productive afternoon in the Budongo forest, you begin your trek to Murchison Falls today, birding at several spots until you reach at your lodge. On the route to your resort, look for birds at the top of the water falls and in the Kaniyo Papidi region.

Day 6: Birding Murchison falls national park

We eat breakfast early in the morning and then go birding on a wildlife drive. We’ll keep an eye out for Secretary Bird, Northern Carmine and Red-throated Bee-eaters, Giant, Pied, Stripped, Chestnut-bellied, Blue-breasted, Woodland and African Pygmy Kingfishers, African Rock Martin, Lesser Stripped, Ethiopian, Angola, Red-rumped and Rufous-chested Swallow, Nightingale, Rock Thrush, Pied Wheatear, Whinchat, White-fronted Black Chat, So The Black, White-breasted, and Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes, the Black and Penduline Tits, Black-lored, and Brown Babblers, Nubian Woodpecker, Cardinal Woodpecker, Brown-backed Woodpecker, Lesser Honeyguide, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, and many more.

Day 7: Boat tour to the Delta

After breakfast, we go on a boat excursion of the Victoria Nile into the Delta in search of the various water birds that inhabit this ecosystem along the Nile.

The Shoebill, Great White and Pink-backed Pelicans, African Water Rail, Allen’s Gallinule, Black Crake, African Crake, Grey-crowned Crane, Southern Pochard, Egyptian, African Pygmy, and the Spur-winged Goose, Saddle-billed stork, Open-billed stork, Yellow-billed stor, and Marabou stork are some of the birds we seek in this area. Night Heron, Black Heron, Goliath Heron, Purple Heron, Green Backed Heron, Little Grebe, Common Squacco Heron, Great White Egret, Great and Long-tailed Cormorants, African and Eurasian Spoonbills, Lesser Flamingo, Lesser Jacana, African Finfoot, Painted Snipe, Wattled Plover are among the other birds.

Day 8: Birding to Kibale forest National Park

Leave for Kibale Forest National Park, where birding stops along the escarpment will allow you to see the lovely sunbird and other species. We plan to arrive at our resort later that afternoon for some evening birding. Kibale forest is home to 13 primate species, the most notable of which are chimps.

Day 9: Kibale forest birding for Green breasted Pitta

We’ll eat an early breakfast and depart the resort with a packed lunch to maximize our time in the forest. Our morning birding goal will be to find the rare Green breasted pitta. This sought-after bird can also be difficult to spot in the jungle, but with the help of the site guide and rangers, we hope to improve our chances of seeing the Green Breasted Pitta.

Meanwhile, as we search for the Green-breasted Pitta, we will also look for many other bird species such as the Western bronze-napped Pigeon, Great blue Turaco, Yellow-throated Nicator, White-headed Wood hoopoe, Red Headed malimbe, Yellow-spotted Barbet, Dusky-blue Flycatcher, Grey-winged Robin, Blue shouldered Robin Chat, Yellow-spotted Barbet, White-napped Pigeon,

Day 10:  Chimpanzee trekking and birding Bigodi swamp

This morning, you will get the opportunity to hike the chimps deep in Kibale forest for an unforgettable experience. You will also see butterflies, flora, and a variety of primates. You will be taken to the briefing area, where you will be separated into groups and assigned a ranger guide to accompany you through the forest in search of these species.

At the afternoon, we go birding in Bigodi Wetland for any species we missed in the forest. This is a grassroots endeavor to preserve the forest’s buffer zone; earnings benefit various community projects.

Day 11: Birding to Semuliki national park

Today, after breakfast, we will bird our way to Semuliki National Park in quest of central African species found exclusively in East Africa. As we drive to Semuliki forest, we will make frequent stops to bird neighboring woodland patches and marshy regions for various bird species.

Day 12 & 13: Birding Kirumia trail in Semuliki national park

We will spend two full days birding in Semuliki woodland for central African Ituri forest species. The Congo Serpent Eagle, Grey-throated Rail, Nkulengu Rail, Long-tailed Hawk, Spot-breasted Ibis, Yellow-throated Nicator, Northern Red-chested Owlet, Western Bronze-naped Pigeon, Black-collared Lovebird, White-bellied Kingfisher, Red-rumped Tinkerbird, Lyre-tailed Honeyguide, Zenker’s Honeyguide, White-throated Blue Swallow, Bate’s Nightjar

Day 14: Birding to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After an early breakfast, we will depart for Queen Elizabeth National Park, birding along the way. You will have stops for both birding and photographing the stunning landscape in this area of the nation. You will travel by various crater lakes, homesteads, farms, and, eventually, the Rwenzori highlands.

Because the route through these crater lakes regions is not asphalt, it might be difficult to travel during the rainy season. If it starts raining immediately before you leave, your guide may suggest a another route on a more stable road. Because you will be stopping for photography and birdwatching, you should arrive at your resort later that afternoon. Rest up before setting out early the next day for a full day of birding.

Day 15: Birding Imaramagambo forest

We set out early in the morning for a full day of birding in the park that leads to Maramagambo Forest. Whinchat, Common Redstart, White-fronted Black Chat, Sooty Chat, Cameroon Sombre Greenbul, Yellow-throated Greenbul, Black, White-breasted, and Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes are among the birds we anticipate to see. The Black and Penduline Tits, the Nubian Woodpecker, the Cardinal Woodpecker, the Brown-backed Woodpecker, the White-tailed and Red-tailed Ant-thrushes, the Brown Illadopsis, the Shining-blue Kingfisher, the Brown-eared Woodpeckers, the Least Honeyguide, the Grey Greenbul, the Brown-chested Alethe, and many other species.

Day 16: Birding to Buhoma sector in Bwindi Impenetrable forest

Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, where we will stop for bird watching before arriving at our resort later that afternoon. We will travel into the Ishasha area of Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you may see tree climbing lions.

Day 17: Gorilla trekking in Buhoma Sector

Meeting the gentle giants of Bwindi National Park will be the highlight of your safari! Enjoy the abundance of life in the thick forest, which is home to several kinds of birds, butterflies, primates, and animals. Eventually, with the assistance of your park ranger guide, you will come face to face with the massive and endangered mountain gorillas. The trekking experience might take anything from one hour (occasionally) to six hours. You just have one hour with the gorillas to capture your best moment.

Day 18: Birding in Buhoma Sector

If you don’t want to trek gorillas, you may spend the entire day bird watching. Stuhlmann’s Starling, Narrow-tailed Starling, Waller’s Starling, Montane Oriole, African Golden Oriole, Strange Weaver, Brown-capped Weaver, Dusky Crimsonwing, Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Magpie Mannikin, Yellow-crowned Canary, Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Magpie Mannikin, Yellow-crowned Canary Ayre’s Hawk Eagle, Thick-billed Seedeater, Streaky Seedeater, African Green Broadbill, Oriole Finch, Mountain Buzzard, Handsome Francolin, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, African Wood Owl More species include the following: Bar-tailed Trogon, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, (Western) Bronze-naped Pigeon, Red-chested Owlet, Tullberg’s Woodpecker, African Broadbill, Western Green Tinkerbird, African Green Broadbill, Lagdens Bush-Shrike, Petit’s Cuckoo-Shrike, Grey Cuckoo-shrike, Toro Olive-Greenbul, Ansorge’s Olive Thrush, White-tailed Ant-Thrush, Grauer’s Rush-warbler, Neumann’s Warbler, and Red-faced Woodland Warbler

Day 19: Birding to Ruhija via ‘the Neck’ of the forest

Early in the morning, make your way to ‘the neck’ of the forest that connects Buhoma and Ruhija. Yellow-billed Waxbill, Black Saw-wing, Chubbs’ Cisticola, Grey Apalis, Petit’s Cuckoo Shrike, Black Bee-eaters, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eaters, Cuckoo Shrike, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Little Grey Greenbuls are some of the birds we keep an eye out for. Yellow-bellied Kite, Chestnut-throated Apalis, Red-throated Martin, Yellow White-eye Tinkerbirds with speckled rump. African Stonechat, Grey Cuckoo Shrike, Stripe-breasted Tit, Montane-masked Apalis, Red-faced Woodland, Montane Yellow Warbler, Regal Sunbird, Northern Double-collared Sunbird, Lead-colored Flycatcher, Black-necked Weaver, Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Yellow-spotted Barbet, African Harrier Hawk

Day 20:  Birding Mubwindi Swamp trail in Ruhija Sector

Prepare to spend the full day birding in the Ruhija area of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Mubwindi marsh route – today. Ruhija’s birds are normally simple to spot, although the region is hilly and requires a lot of climbing to find them. We will look for the beautiful Regal Sunbird, Archer’s Robin-Chat, Grauer’s Rush warbler, African green broadbill, Caruther’s cisticola, Handsome francolin, African Hill babbler, Banded Prinia, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Doherty’s Bushrike, Collared Apalis, and others on this trail to Mubwindi swamp, which promises some of the most difficult of all

Return to the lodge that evening, hopefully, you will sight some of the Rwenzori night jars on the forest roads as you drive back.

Day 21: Birding to Mgahinga Gorilla national park

After breakfast, transfer to Kisoro, birding along the way; papyrus regions at Lake Bunyonyi outflow and Echuya woodland for Albertine rift endemics that we may have missed in Bwindi impenetrable forest. Dwarf Honeyguide, Red-throated Alethe, Grauer’s Rush Warbler, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Grauer’s Warbler, Collared Apalis, Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Rwenzori Batis, Strip-breasted Tit, Regal Sunbird, Strange Weaver, Brown-capped Weaver, Strange Weaver, Strange Weaver, Strange Weaver, Strange Weaver, Strange Weaver, Strange We

Day 22: Birding in Mgahinga Gorilla national Park

Over 180 bird species have been documented in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, including some Albertine Rift endemics. This park’s lush greenery will reward you with more than just birdwatching. As you bird your way through the gorge, you will pass through a variety of montane habitats along the superb Gorge route. This is Uganda’s smallest national park, and it was primarily established to preserve mountain gorillas and golden monkeys.

We hunt for Rwenzori Turaco, Dwarf Honeygude, Kivu Ground Thrush, Rwenzori Double-collared, Regal, and Purple-breasted Sunbirds, Archer’s Robin Chat, Cinnamon Bracken and Mountain Yellow Warblers, the Dusky and much sought after Shelley’s Crimson-wing, and many more.

Day 23: Birding to Lake mburo national park

We bird to Lake Mburo National Park after breakfast. Before reaching at Lake Mburo National Park, we will make multiple birding stops in woodland parts, marshy regions, and water patches. We will next go on a nighttime bird walk with an armed ranger guide to explore the park’s diverse bird species. We will also get the opportunity to see a variety of animals like as Warthogs, Zebras, Eland, Uganda Kob, Bush deer, and more.

Day 24: Birding in Lake mburo national Park

Eat breakfast first thing in the morning before we go birding for the day. Today we’ll go on a boat journey on Lake Mburo in search of the rare African Fin foot. Other bird species to look for in the park include the following: Red-winged Francolin, Blue-spotted Wood Dove, Brown Parrot, Barefaced Go-away bird, Blue Quails, White-headed and Black-billed Barbet, Greenwood Hoopoe, Blue-breasted and Shining-blue Kingfishers, Lilac-breasted Roller, African-grey Hornbill, and Grey Woodpeckers. Wing-snapping Cisticolas, Red-necked Spurfowl, Black-bellied Bustard, African-wattled Plover, Rufous-chested Swallow, Yellow-throated Longclaw, Black-winged Bishop, Chubb’s & Carruther’s Cisticolas, Lesser and Great Swamp Warblers, Black Crake, Common Squacco, Striated, Black-headed, Herons, Great White and Pink-

Day 25:  End of Uganda birding and Gorilla safari

Your Uganda birding safari comes to an end today. Following an early breakfast, we leave Lake Mburo National Park and go to Entebbe International Airport via the Equator Monument. We hope you had a fantastic experience birding in Uganda’s different national parks and forests. We hope to see you again in another location of Uganda.