6 Days Gorilla & Trekking Safari

Prepare Your Tailored Safaris & Tours


Uganda is home to various primate species, the most notable of which are mountain gorillas and chimpanzees. This journey will take you to the rainforests of Kibale National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for chimp trekking and gorilla trekking.

Safari highlights:

  • Chimpanzee trekking
  • Nature walk in Bigodi Swamp
  • Crater Lakes
  • Gorilla trekking


Day 1: Welcome to the Pearl of Africa

When you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, an African Buffalo Safaris representative will be there to greet you and transport you to your accommodation. Most aircraft arrive in the afternoon or at night, and it is too late to travel to the national park by then. As a result, you will come, spend the night, and prepare to live the next day.

Day 2: Transfer to the home of chimpanzees

After breakfast, you’ll be ready to go for Kibale Forest, the primate capital of the world. The journey takes you through the countryside, arriving at your lodge later that afternoon after a lunch break in the lovely Fort Portal. After you arrive at your lodge, you will have enough time to explore the surrounding region or simply relax with a coffee.

Day 3: Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale forest

Following an early breakfast, you will be moved for a briefing before beginning your monkey walk. Your knowledgeable ranger guide will accompany you into the tropical jungle in search of man’s closest cousins, the Chimpanzees, for an amazing and gratifying encounter. When you find them, you have only one hour with them before you have to start hiking out of the wilderness.

After lunch, you will embark on a Swamp walk in the Bigodi village, with the revenues benefiting community development. This wetland stroll will bring you close to nature. There may be sightings of red-tailed monkeys, Mangabeys, several bird species, and butterflies. You will also get the opportunity to tour the village and participate in activities such as coffee tasting, banana brewing, basketry, and chats with the medicine man.

Day 4: Transfer to Bwindi impenetrable forest for Gorilla trekking

After breakfast, you will depart for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, which is home to half of the world’s surviving mountain gorillas. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to diverse tree species, birds, primates, animals, insects, and other wildlife. The journey will give you beautiful times as you enjoy the scenery and depending on the sector of Bwindi you will track in, you might drive through the park.

Day 5: Uganda Gorilla Trekking

Gorillas are fascinating creatures, full of activity but friendly, earning them the nickname “gentle giants.” Following an early breakfast, your driver guide will transport you to the briefing area, where you will be assigned gorilla families and a ranger guide to conduct you into the jungle. After the ranger guide briefs you on your time in the jungle, you will be separated into groups to trek a certain gorilla family.

After locating the gorillas with the assistance of your guide and trackers, you are only permitted to spend one hour with them. Depending on where they nested the night before, the gorilla walk might last anything from a few minutes to many hours. We recommend that you bring a porter with you to help carry your day pack and to support you as you travel through the steep portions of the forest.

Day 6: End of your Uganda Primates Safari

We hope you had a wonderful day and a peaceful sleep following your gorilla hike. This concludes your Uganda primates safari.