8 Days Uganda Primate Safari

Prepare Your Tailored Safaris & Tours


The major activities on this Uganda Safari include gorilla trekking and chimp trekking. This journey will bring you face to face with these huge apes in the rain forests of Kibale and Bwindi Impenetrable Forests. In addition, you may visit Queen Elizabeth National Park for beautiful landscapes and animals on a boat safari or a game drive.

Safari highlights

  • Chimpanzee tracking
  • Nature walk in Bigodi Swamp
  • Game drives
  • Boat cruise
  • Crater Lakes
  • Gorilla tracking


Day 1: Welcome to the Pearl of Africa

When you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, an African Buffalo Safaris representative will greet you and transport you to your hotel for a peaceful night before your adventure tomorrow.

Day 2: Transfer to the home of Chimpanzees – Kibale National Park

After breakfast, we go for Kibale Forest, the world’s primate capital. The journey takes you through the countryside before arriving in the lovely Fort Portal town for lunch at Gardens restaurant or any other location suggested by your tour guide. After lunch, you will check into your lodge and spend the night.

Alternatively, you may fly from Entebbe to Kasese Airstrip and then drive for around 1 hour 30 minutes to your resort.

Day 3: Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale forest

After an early breakfast, your naturalist guide will transport you to the Kanyanchu tourism center for a briefing before you begin your chimp walk through the jungle. Your knowledgeable ranger guide will bring you on an amazing and gratifying journey through the tropical jungle in search of man’s closest cousins, the Chimpanzees.

After lunch, you will go on a stroll around the Bigodi village, with the revenues benefiting community development. You can choose between the swamp trek and the village stroll. You could see red-tailed monkeys, Mangabeys, butterflies, and various bird species on your trip around the marsh. This stroll will take you to various homes where you will have a coffee experience, banana brewing, basketry, and learn about various traditional remedies.

Day 4: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After an amazing encounter with the chimps in their natural environment, we go to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a wildlife safari, traveling through the Crater Lakes region (depending on road conditions) and enjoying vistas of the Rwenzori mountain ranges.

Day 5: Game drives and Boat Safari

We embark on a game drive after an early breakfast, with an emphasis on predators before they go back into hiding. The vehicle has been specially designed for game watching, allowing you to see unusual and uncommon creatures like as elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and Uganda kobs.

In the afternoon, go on a boat safari on Kazinga Channel, which links Lake Edward and Lake George. Its banks are frequently home to a variety of animals and magnificent bird species. On the water, this boat takes roughly 2.5 hours.

Day 6: Transfer to the home of Mountain gorillas

We’re off to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park today, which is home to half of the world’s surviving mountain gorillas. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to diverse tree types, bird life, primates, animals, insects, and other wildlife. As you continue your journey to Bwindi, you will pass through the Ishasha area of Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you may encounter climbing lions by the roadside.

Day 7: Gorillas trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park

Gorillas are fascinating creatures, full of activity but friendly. Following an early breakfast, your driver guide will transport you to the briefing location. Because you don’t know how long the walk will take, you’ll bring a packed lunch. Following the briefing, you will be assigned a gorilla family to hike with and a ranger guide for the journey.

Following the briefing, the ranger guide will lead you on an adventure through the forest. Depending on where they nested the night before, the gorilla walk might last anything from a few minutes to many hours. Once you have located the gorillas with the assistance of your guide and trackers, you are only permitted to stay with them for one hour before beginning the trip back to the park.

Day 8: End of your Uganda Primates Safari

You will begin your drive to Entebbe/Kampala this morning with a stop at the Equator monument. This concludes your Uganda primates safari.