9 Days Birding Albertine Rift Tour

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On this birding Uganda for Albertine Rift endemics trip, you will begin with a brief visit to Mabamba Wetland in search of the Shoebill, followed by a trip to Lake Mburo National Park for an introduction to Uganda birding. However, the Albertine rift endemics in Uganda will be of particular interest to us. Mgahinga National Park is Uganda’s smallest national park, with approximately 180 bird species, including Albertine Rift Endemics. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is Africa’s premier birding destination, home to 23 of Uganda’s 24 Albertine Rift endemics.

Safari activities

  • Birding
  • Gorilla trekking


Day 1: Arrival for the Uganda Birding Tour

When you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, you will be met by an African Buffalo Safaris representative and driven to your accommodation in Entebbe. Depending on your arrival time, you may be able to bird the Entebbe botanical gardens as an introduction to Uganda birding for a range of species.

Day 2: Birding Mabamba Swamp and transfer to Lake Mburo national park

After an early breakfast, drive south to Mabamba Swamp Wetland, which is located on the outskirts of Lake Victoria. You’ll use a motorized boat to track down the Shoebill. The amazing Shoebill may be spotted repairing in the floating plants or flying in the air on occasion. Water birds in this area include herons, egrets, ducks, plovers, gulls, Kingfishers, warblers, and swallows. Mabamba Swamp is the finest site in Uganda to find a shoe bill.

After that, continue birding at Lake Mburo National Park. You’ll go birding in the evening before calling it a day.

Day 3: Birding to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

After an early breakfast, we will fly to the picturesque Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda’s southwestern region. This is Uganda’s smallest national park, yet it is by far the most beautiful. You will make multiple stops to bird in distinct marshy regions and agricultural plains in search of rare bird species. You will eventually arrive at your lodge in the evening and prepare for the following day’s birding in Mgahinga gorilla national park for Albertine rift endemics.

Day 4: Birding in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga gorilla national park is home to over 180 bird species, including Albertine rift endemics. Today we hike the Gorge path through a range of highland environments in search of the many bird species specific to this region.

The Dusky Turtle Dove, Cape Robin-chat, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Bronze Sunbird, Black-headed Waxbill, and Streaky Seedeater are among the species to look for. Handsome Francolin, Kivu Ground Thrush, and Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, White Starred Robin, Greater Double collared Sunbird, Rwenzori Turcaco, Rwenzori Batis, Archer’s Robin Chat, Olive Pigeon, and Black faced waxbill, Western Green Tinkerbird, Malachite Sunbird, Cape Robin may be seen at 2500m. Other species present in this wooded region are the White-starred Robin, Brown Woodland Warbler, Striped Breasted Tit, Malachite, and Scarlet-tufted Sunbirds.

Day 5: Birding to Ruhija sector in Bwindi impenetrable forest

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is East Africa’s richest forest in terms of trees, butterflies, and birds. The park now has 347 bird species on its list. The forest is home to ten of Uganda’s 26 internationally endangered species, five of which are vulnerable, as well as a handful of Albertine Rift endemics.

Rwenzori Batis, Collared Apalis, Montane Sooty Boubou, Banded Prinia, Mountain and Yellow-streaked Greenbul, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Mountain Illadopsis, Archer’s Robin-chat, White-starred Robin, Strange Weaver, Blue headed, Purple-breasted, and Regal Sunbirds, Northern Olive Thrush, Abyssinian Crimsonwing, Black headed Wax

We will make a halt at Echuya woodland for birding and perhaps seeing Albertine rift endemics.

Day 6: Birding in Ruhija Sector – Bwindi forest

Today we fly to Mubwindi Swamp, where the route descends sharply through deep woodland before winding through marshy vegetation. The birds on the route are initially comparable to those seen previously, but more time spent will give prospects for the uncommon and localized Grauer’s Broadbill.

Other birds to look out for include the Yellow-billed Barbet, Black-billed Turaco, Bar-tailed Trogon, White-headed Hoopoe, Montane Oriole, Pink-footed Puffback, Lagden’s Bush-Shrike, Waller’s Starling, localized Grauer’s Rush Warbler, Dwarf Honey-Guide, Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Oriole Finch, Doherty’s Bush

Day 7: Birding to Buhoma via ‘The Neck’ in Bwindi forest

After an early breakfast, we depart from the Ruhija section of Bwindi to Buhoma for gorilla tracking and further birding chances. On the way, we bird “The Neck” – an important area with a good probability of seeing Cassin’s Hawk Eagle, Toro-Olive Greenbul, Black Bee-eaters, Bronze-napped Pigeon, the uncommon Chapin’s Flycatcher, Cassin’s Grey Flycatcher, pink footed puffback, Mountain wagtail, and other species. You can eat your packed lunch here and then proceed to Buhoma sector, depending on how busy the Neck is.

Day 8: Gorilla trekking and Birding at Buhoma

Tracks go through the forest in the Buhoma portion of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, providing great observation places. Brown, Blue-headed, Northern Double-collared, and Grey-headed Sunbirds, Black Bee-Eater, Kivu Ground Thrush, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Common Stonechat, Black throated Robin chat, Barred Long tailed Cuckoo, Black throated Apalis, Mountain Masked Apalis, Chin spot Batis, Rwenzori Batis, African broadbill, Montane Oriole, African Golden Oriol

Instead, you may spend the day gorilla trekking to observe these gorgeous animals. This option would have to be made at the time of booking in order for gorilla permits to be obtained in advance.

Day 9: Birding to Kampala/Entebbe

After spending many days searching for Albertine rift endemics, we begin our trek to Entebbe today. On our way back to Entebbe, we’ll make birding stops at several spots.

This concludes your Albertine Rift endemics safari in Uganda. We hope you had a wonderful time seeing the birds of Uganda and taking in the beauty and people of this beautiful nation, especially the fresh organic fruits and cuisines.