Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Chimpanzees are man’s closest cousins, sharing around 98.7% of his DNA. They, like humans, adapt to their environments over time, creating tools for survival. By visiting one of the hiking sites in Uganda, you may spend an hour with these species in their natural habitat. You’ll be able to follow them with your ranger guide in order to obtain fantastic photos and learn more about the chimps.

Where to do Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda

Kibale National Park is the world’s monkey capital, with a big chimp population of around 120 habituated chimpanzees and 1400 in the forest. The success probability of finding chimps while hiking is around 95%. There are options for Chimpanzee trekking twice a day: in the morning at 7 a.m. and in the afternoon at 12 p.m., with up to six groups tracking each day, each with six members. There are roughly 13 kinds primates in the forest, including black and white colobus, red-tailed monkeys, red colobus monkeys, and baboons.

The Kalinzu forest is home to about 300 Chimps, with approximately 40 of them habituated for tourists. The chance of seeing chimps when trekking is roughly 60%, but the jungle has much more to offer than just chimp trekking. While on this chimp trekking safari, take in the magnificent surroundings and running streams. This walk is generally long and hence demands strong fitness levels.

Budongo woodland in Murchison Falls National Park’s Kaniyo Pabidi region provides a great chimp trekking experience. The jungle is home to the most Chimpanzees, although just a handful are trained for tourism. Unlike Kibale, where permits must be reserved in advance, Kaniyo Pabidi does not require reservations.

The famed Queen Elizabeth National Park’s Kyambura Gorge is a rare subterranean forest in the center of the otherwise Savannah park. The forest includes a few chimps, who can be difficult to see at times, but the woodland trek is gratifying, and the views of the canyon from a lookout are priceless. There is a risk of encountering hippos and elephants as they search for Chimps, and on rare occasions, lions.

For those with limited time, the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary offers an up-close encounter with Chimpanzees. The refuge is 45 minutes by speed boat from the Entebbe port on Lake Victoria and 1.5 hours by powered traditional canoe.

Chimpanzee trekking tips

To hike chimpanzees, you must be at least 15 years old.

Trousers and long-sleeved shirts are advised.

Hiking boots or waterproof boots

Repellent for insects

Bring bottled water with you for drinking.

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience – Uganda

If you want to learn more about chimp behavior and then spend more time in their presence, the chimp habituation experience is for you. Please keep in mind that this is a scientific experiment to acclimate chimps to people. It does not mean you will be in the chimps’ presence the entire time, but you will learn about them all around, collect their droppings, learn about their feeding routines, and track them in case they leave their nests. Here are some pointers to help you plan for and enjoy your chimp habituation experience.

CHEX permits, like chimp trekking permits, are scheduled and acquired before to your safari, especially if you have a certain date in mind. This implies that once obtained, chimp habituation permits cannot be transferred or returned if you do not engage in the activity.

While in the forest, you should wear gear that is both comfortable and protective. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect yourself against bug bites and vegetation piercings. Please also bring bug repellent for the regions of your skin that are exposed to insects. Bring rain gear because rain patterns in the forest are unpredictable, especially between April and May and October and November. Hiking boots should be both waterproof and comfy.

Because this is a full-day excursion, you will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty of water due to the extensive hikes you will do. It is forbidden to smoke, drink, or eat in the company of chimpanzees. The ranger guides will recommend a restaurant for you to eat at. The same goes for individuals who will have to use the bush toilet.

The chimps move quickly, especially when eating. To keep up, you must walk quickly at specific times. There will also be sluggish motions, especially while gathering various types of data. Photography is permitted, however no flash is permitted. The chimps are often fast, so change your camera settings before you begin to prevent missing out on opportunities to photograph the chimps.

We recommend the chimp habituation experience to anybody interested in learning more about chimps and spending quality time with them.