Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park is where Rwanda gorilla trekking safaris take place. The park is the scene for the well-known film ‘Gorillas in the Mist,’ which is about Dian Fossey’s efforts in gorilla conservation. Mountain gorillas may be found in three African nations, including Rwanda. Everyone should go gorilla trekking in Rwanda at least once in their lifetime.

Rwanda has 12 gorilla families where you may go gorilla trekking. Gorilla trekking begins with a briefing from ranger guides at the park headquarters, where you will meet the rest of the folks planning to embark on a gorilla trek. Following this experience, you will be assigned a gorilla family to travel with and a ranger guide to lead you.

Some families live close the briefing area, while others must drive to the trailhead from where they enter the park. Regardless of the gorilla group assigned to you, you will all be able to see the gorillas that are frequently seen feeding and the young ones playing.

Furthermore, Rwanda’s most popular park, Volcanoes National Park, has a lot to offer in terms of views and activities. For variety and excitement, combine gorilla trekking with a few other things. Volcanoes National Park visitors may also go golden monkey trekking, volcanic climbing and hiking, Rwanda birding safaris, nature walks, and cave investigations, among other activities.

Mountain gorillas dwell at high altitudes, which may make trekking up challenging for certain tourists. Pace yourself, walk gently, drink lots of water, and thoroughly prepare for this event. To ensure appropriate planning, Kagera Safaris will obtain your gorilla trekking permits in advance.


Rwanda Gorilla trekking tips

Bring rain gear with you.

Repellent for insects

To avoid insect and plant stings, wear long pants and long-sleeved sweaters or shirts when in the forest.

Strong hiking footwear, preferably ones you’ve used before, are important.

Drinking Water is available, but eating, drinking, and smoking near the gorillas is absolutely prohibited – your guide will indicate the authorized time and location.

Photography is permitted, however no flash is permitted.

Porters are available for a modest fee to assist you with carrying your daypack.

You will not be permitted to hike gorillas if you have a contagious ailment such as the flu or a cough.