Kidepo Valley National Park


Kidepo Valley National Park, located in the northeastern corner of Uganda and bordering Kenya and South Sudan, is one of the country’s most stunning and inaccessible parks. The park has an area of 1,442 square kilometers with an elevation range of 914m to 2750m. Kidepo Valley has scenery that is not found in any other East African park. The park has a semi-arid climate with only one rainy season each year, from April to September.

The park features two rivers, the Narus River and the Kidepo River, both of which are seasonal. As a result, during the dry season, the only water in the park is in the marshes and remnant ponds in the Narus valley. During the dry season, stroll along the Kidepo River and enjoy its 50m bed of white sand between banks covered with Borassus palm trees. During the rainy season, you will be amazed to see heavily running rivers, such a unique landscape, and a ‘beach’ during the dry season.

Wildlife in Kibale Valley National Park


The Kidepo Valley National Park is one of Africa’s most beautiful wilderness areas. Elephants, Rothschild’s giraffe, Burshell’s Zebra, Oribi, Klipspringer, Bohor Reedbuck, Eland, Hartebeest, Lion, Hyena, and Cheetah, Leopard, striped jackals, and perhaps Africa’s biggest single herd of Cape buffalo occupy the park’s grasslands that spread in all directions into distant ranges. Except for a few game reserves, several of the species present in this park are not found in other parks, such as cheetahs, elands, and kudus. On rare instances, you may see a white-eared Kob from neighboring South Sudan.


Kidepo Valley National Park is one of Africa’s most beautiful wilderness areas. Elephants, Rothschild’s giraffe, Burshell’s Zebra, Oribi, Klipspringer, Bohor Reedbuck, Eland, Hartebeest, Lion, Hyena, and Cheetah, Leopard, striped jackals, and perhaps Africa’s biggest single herd of Cape buffalo inhabit grasslands that spread in all directions into far ranges. Except for a few game reserves, several of the species present in this park are not found in other parks, such as cheetahs, eland, and kudu. On rare circumstances, you may spot a white-eared Kob from neighboring South Sudan.

Activities in Kidepo Valley National Park

Game drives

The main activity is going on game drives in quest of unusual animals and vegetation. The ideal times to see wildlife are early in the morning around 6 a.m. and later in the evening at 5 p.m. Because the Narus valley contains water most of the year, many animals concentrate here, making sightings easy. Examine the animals in the meadows from all angles. Visit the Katurum kopje, which offers spectacular views of the valley surroundings.

Bird watching

Kidepo Valley National Park is a great place to go bird-watching. The park currently has 465 bird species recorded. Begin in the Apoka rest camp and work your way to the outskirts of the Narus and Namamukweny valleys. Because the park is a savannah, it is easier to identify birds as you walk through it. Birding is best in the morning or evening, although one may spend the full day in the park with a packed lunch. Clapperton’s Francolin, Purple Heron, Karamoja Apalis, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Abyssinian Roller, Eurasian Roller, Helmeted Guinea fowl, and various birds of prey are among the species of interest.

Nature walks and Hiking

All of the mountains in and around Karamoja can be walked, although the Lamoj mountains are the most popular. It takes around 4 hours to hike and should be done early in the morning before the heat rises.

Nature hikes are offered and last 2 hours (Narus valley from Apoka tourism center), covering a distance of 5km. The lovely environment of Namamukweny Valley may be reached in 6 hours.

Community and Cultural experiences

The Karimajong and Ik tribes have rich civilizations in the Karamoja area. The Ik tribe is one of Uganda’s most remote tribes, residing on top of Morungole Mountain. To see this endangered people group, you must endure a rigorous all-day walk. They are mostly peaceful hunter-gatherers who have retired to the highlands to avoid the cattle-raiding tribes.

A tour to the Karimajong homesteads will provide you a look into their pastoral lifestyles, as well as the opportunity to indulge in the meal, dance, and purchase goods like as knives, arrows, jewelry, and stools.

Getting there

The travel from Kampala is long but enjoyable since it passes through various greenery and tribal territories.

Mbale – Soroti – Moroto – Kidepo – Kampala OR Mbale – Sironko – Kotido – Kaabong – Kidepo – Kampala OR Gulu – Kitgum – Kidepo – Kampala

You may also fly from Entebbe to Kidepo on a scheduled or chartered flight.