Lake Mburo National Park


Lake Mburo National Park is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah national parks, located in southwestern Uganda. It covers an area of 260km2 and is located at an elevation of 1220m-1828m above sea level. It is the nearest park to Kampala, about 3 hours (228 kilometers) away. It is Uganda’s only park with a complete lake and the lone habitat of the Impala. Despite its tiny size, the park is a must-see Uganda safari location, ideal for walking safaris, birding tours, and photography tours.

Lake Mburo National Park is tiny, yet it has a diverse range of ecosystems for its size. Acacia forest, parched slopes, rocky outcrops, bushy thickets, open and wooded savannah, seasonal and permanent marshes are among them. Its modest stature should not lead you to believe that there is nothing to keep you entertained. You may go on nature walks with a ranger guide to look for your interests, such as birdwatching, animals, plants and shrubs, insects, and so on.

Wildlife in Lake Mburo National Park


Over 68 animal species may be spotted on game drives at Lake Mburo National Park, including Impala (only found in Uganda), Topi, Eland, Zebras, Defassa waterbuck, buffaloes, hyenas, leopards, and an only Lion. Crocodiles, monitor lizards, and hippos are frequently seen on boat safaris in Lake Mburo.


Birding is a popular activity at Lake Mburo National Park due to the diverse habitats that sustain a variety of bird species. Crested Francolin, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Brown Parrot, Barefaced Go-away bird, Red necked Spur, common Quails, Black-billed Barbet, Greenwood Hoopoe, Blue-napped Mousebird, Lilac-breasted Roller, African-grey Hornbill, Nubian Woodpecker, Trilling Cisticola, Bee-eaters, and the majestic crowned crane are among the 315 bird species found in the park.

While on the boat safari on Lake Mburo, you may see the uncommon African Finfoot, shoebill, African fish eagle, malachite, and pied Kingfishers. Because of its different habitats, it provides a one-of-a-kind bird-watching experience.

Activities in Lake Mburo National Park

Game drives

Early mornings and late afternoons are ideal times for game viewing since the animals are more active before the heat compels them to seek cover. The game drives take place in safari-specific vehicles with open tops for optimal animal viewing. The Uganda Wildlife Authority has created many game drive trails that go to regions where you are likely to see diverse animals and magnificent landscapes. Wetlands, grassy hillsides, rock outcrops, and woods are among the characteristics. Night game drives are also available with prior authorisation and in the presence of a ranger. They can take up to two hours and allow you to witness nocturnal species that are rarely seen during the day.

Boat safaris

Lake Mburo is located fully within the national park. This means that the animals in the park have access to water all year. It is abundant in birds and animals that reside in or around the Lake. A two-hour launch voyage will allow you to discover the splendor of faraway hills and greenery. While riding, keep an eye out for monitor lizards, crocodiles, hippos, buffalos, and the timid bushbuck. Birders may expect to see Pied and Malachite Kingfishers, beautiful fish eagles, Hamerkop, African fin-foot, and, on rare occasions, the sought-after Shoebill.

Horseback Safaris

Mihingo Lodge provides horseback safaris. You get an incredible opportunity to witness wildlife up close and personal without the noise of the motor, which may often startle the creatures into hiding. You will feel like you are a part of nature and will thoroughly appreciate this experience. The quantity and type of animals observed vary depending on the time of year and weather, but you may expect to see Impala, Topi, Bushbuck, Waterbuck, duiker, eland, warthog, and Zebras, which are often captivated by their equine ancestors.

Sport fishing

The Uganda Wildlife Authority approved Lake Mburo for sport fishing in the Mazinga region. It is home to roughly six different fish species, the most frequent of which is tilapia. You must obtain permission from UWA or contact us to have one issued to you. If you want to go fishing on Lake Mburo, you must have your own equipment.

Bird watching

Over 315 bird species may be seen at Lake Mburo National Park. The experience of birding at the park is rewarding since the foliage makes it possible to observe the species. Birding is greatest around marshy areas such as Warukiri, Rwonyo jetty, and the viewing platform that overlooks the salt lick. Bare-faced Go-away bird, White-headed Barbet, Red-shouldered cuckoo-shrike, white-winged tit, Long-tailed Cisticola, Brown parrot, Grey crowned crane, Rufous-bellied Heron, Bateleur, and black-bellied bastard are some of the species to look out for.

A warden can accompany visitors on foot through Rubanga forest. The African fin-foot and Red-faced Barbet are more likely to be seen.

Nature and forest walks

Walking safaris are permitted at Lake Mburo National Park as long as tourists are accompanied by a ranger. The rangers will guide you to regions with a high concentration of wildlife, such as the saline rocks. The trek to the western side of the lake begins at 7 a.m., and there is a chance of witnessing hyenas returning to their burrows and hippos returning to the water. Those interested in forest birds will find plenty of opportunity in the forests and forest. The hike to the top of the hill will reward you with breathtaking views of nine of the region’s fourteen lakes.

Community walks and Cultural experiences

There is a community of cattle keepers near the park’s edges that offers a variety of activities. You may visit a Hima household and participate in the process of converting milk from the cow to numerous byproducts. You can also participate in dancing, storytelling, and crafting.

Getting there

By road; Kampala – Masaka – Lake Mburo national park (Nshara Gate). If from Mbarara – take the Sanga gate.